lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

2013/03/04 List of Birds

Last week I could watch the following species of birds in Plaiaundi:
  1. Avocet                           Avoceta Común                      Abozeta
  2. Blackbird                       Mirlo Común                           Zozo
  3. Black-headed Gull        Gaviota Reidora                    Antxeta Mokogorri
  4. Black-necked Grebe      Zampullín Cuellinegro           Txilinporta Lepabeltz
  5. Blue Tit                         Herrerillo Común                   Amilotx Urdin
  6. Brent Goose                 Barnacla Carinegra                Branta Musubeltz
  7. Buzzard                        Busardo Ratonero                   Zapelatz
  8. Cattle Egret                   Garcilla Bueyera                     Lertxuntxo Itzain
  9. Cetti's Warbler               Ruiseñor Bastardo                  Errekatxindor
  10. Chaffinch                       Pinzón Vulgar                         Txonta Arrunt
  11. Chiffchaff                       Mosquitero Común                  Txio Arrunt
  12. Coot                             Focha                                    Kopetazuri Arrunt
  13. Cormorant                     Cormorán Grande                    Ubarroi Handi
  14. Crag Martin                   Avión Roquero                        Haitz-enara
  15. Curlew                          Zarapito Real                          Kurlinta Handi
  16. Dunlin                           Correlimos Común                  Txirri Arrunt
  17. Firecrest                       Reyezuelo listado                   Erregetxo Bekainzuri
  18. Gadwall                         Ánade Friso                            Ipar-ahate
  19. Great Crested Grebe      Somormujo Lavanco                Murgil Handi
  20. Great Tit                        Carbonero Común                   Kaskabeltz Handi
  21. Greenshank                   Archibebe Claro                      Kuliska Zuri
  22. Grey Heron                    Garza Real                             Lertxun Hauskara
  23. Grey Plover                   Chorlito Gris                           Txirri Gris
  24. Grey Wagtail                 Lavandera Cascadeña             Buztanikara Hori
  25. House Sparrow              Gorrión                                   Etxe-txolarre
  26. Kingfisher                      Martín Pescador                     Martin Arrantzale
  27. Little Egret                    Garceta Común                      Lertxuntxo Txiki
  28. Little Grebe                   Zampullín Chico                      Txilinporta Txiki
  29. Long-tailed Tit                Mito Común                            Buztanluze
  30. Magpie                          Urraca                                    Mika
  31. Mallard                          Ánade Azulón                         Basahate
  32. Moorhen                        Gallineta                                Uroilo Arrunt
  33. Mute Swan                    Cisne Vulgar                           Beltxarga Arrunt
  34. Pied Wagtail                  Lavandera Blanca                    Buztanikara Zuri
  35. Pochard                        Porrón Europeo                       Murgilari Arrunt
  36. Redshank                      Archibebe Común                   Bernagorri Arrunt
  37. Ringed Plover                Chorlitejo Grande                    Txirritxo Handi
  38. Robin                            Petirrojo Europeo                    Txantxangorri
  39. Shoveler                        Cuchara                                 Ahate Mokozabal
  40. Snipe                            Agachadiza Común                 Istingor Arrunt
  41. Song Thrush                  Zorzal Común                         Birigarro Arrunt
  42. Spoonbill                       Espátula                                Mokozabal
  43. Spotted Redshank         Archibebe Oscuro                   Bernagorri Ilun
  44. Starling                         Estornino Pinto                       Araba-zozo Pikart
  45. Teal                              Cerceta Común                       Zertzeta Arrunt
  46. Tufted Duck                   Porrón Moñudo                       Murgilari Mottodun
  47. Turnstone                      Vuelvepiedras                         Harri-iraulari
  48. Water Rail                     Rascón Europeo                     Uroilanda Handi
  49. Whimbrel                      Zarapito Trinador                     Kurlinta Bekainduna
  50. Wren                            Chochín Común                      Txepetx
  51. Yellow-legged Gull         Gaviota Patiamarilla                Kaio Hankahori
I'm sure there have been much more species of birds last week, but as I don't still know every species of birds on the world and sometimes I can't distinguish between them, I don't dare name some birds because I'm afraid of putting my leg on it.